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Graph Drawing Challenge

Welcome to the 2025 Graph Drawing Challenge online submission system!

In this challenge, you will minimize the crossings of a graph drawn with straight-lines on a given point set. A more complete description is available at the challenge description. You can either participate in the manual category (using the provided tool, remote participation possible), or in the automatic category (use any software you want, open to remote participants as well).

The live challenge will during the Graph Drawing conference, September 18th, 2024, 17:00-18:30 (CEST/UTC+2).

If you wish to participate, please sign in at the top right. After signing in, you can go to the team page to enter your team name and participants.

You can download the input graphs on the problems page, solve them on the tool page, and submit your solutions on the submission page. Finally, you can check out how you are doing on the live scoreboard.

Remote participants, please join us on Zoom 15 minutes before the start of the live challenge for instructions and questions.

Good luck!